Are you Macho? Think about it. Do you find yourself resisting other people’s ideas because you already know all about it? Be honest. I am one of the most Macho people I know. Why just yesterday, someone I respect was giving me good advice about a project I was working on and there I was….. going on as if I knew it all already.
So I’m asking you ….. do you do this sometimes?
The reason I’m asking you, is to have you try out my Macho Factor Quiz. It’s a 5 minute test that you can not only try out for yourself, you can put all your favourite people through it too. Can you guess who the most Macho people are in your entourage? (Of course you can, because you KNOW already! Just kidding!)
Find out your score here: The Macho Factor Quiz
Find out if you are Mega Macho, Mainly Macho, Mini Macho or Macho Free.
Test your friends and neighbours too.
Here’s why I want you to take the Macho Factor Quiz: If you have to deal with people like that, you may want to attend my upcoming teleclass on Influencing and Persuading (or simply get the recording if you can’t be there).
In this teleclass, I’m going to give you my latest development, the 4 Step Motivating Method that works on even the most Macho of people. And it is much easier to put into practice than having to learn all the patterns I have been teaching for years. (I, being Macho, think all those patterns are marvellous, but have come to realize that for everyday conversations, emails etc., where you need to have an impact it is much simpler to have something that fits easily into whatever you are already doing.)
No one outside my beta-testing group has seen it yet, so this is your opportunity to check it out. (If you attend or get the recording and don’t like it, I will give you a refund.)
And I’m going to answer those questions that so many people gave me on last week’s survey. You know, it was interesting that most of the questions centered around getting others to take a step forward of some kind when those other people were not convinced it was a good idea.
Shelle Become certified to train the LAB Profile.