Formateurs, Coachs, Consultants !

Pas assez de clients?
Ou, beaucoup de clients, pas assez de revenue?

Une opportunité unique pour te differencier!

Voulez-vous recevoir de l'information? Écrivez-moi.

Voici un programme qui vous donne les moyens
pour utiliser
le LAB Profile® et les Méta programmes
pour augmenter ton revenu et attirer les clients idéaux.

Certification de formateur
& consultant au LAB Profile®

avec Shelle Rose Charvet


«Ceux qui la connaissent comme moi, savent que Shelle est une formatrice hors pair et que son enseignement est de grande qualité.
Ayant moi-même suivi et apprécié le contenu de cette formation, je vous la recommande tout particulièrement.
Et c’est une opportunité d’apprendre à tirer profit des multiples potentialités du LAB Profile®.»
- Jean-Luc Monsempès, Directeur de l'institut Repère, Paris

« LAB Profile® est vraiment un outil magique.  Je conseille vraiment aux personnes qui travaillent dans les secteurs de la vente, de la publicité, des ressources humaines, et bien sûr à tous les managers, de suivre la formation de Shelle. Le LAB Profile® fait gagner du temps et nous évite d'en perdre.  La pédagogie de Shelle est ludique et elle nous transmet sa passion d'enseigner le LAB Profile® ».
- Marie-Claude Loughney, formatrice,  île de la Réunion

« La formation de formateur LAB Profile® de Shelle a été incroyablement bénéfique pour mon activité de formateur consultant. Je l’ai immédiatement utilisée en développant avec succès plusieurs programmes de formation et en améliorant mon approche commerciale. Résultats : un retour Clients enthousiaste, de nouvelles opportunités, et une sérieuse réputation en tant qu’expert reconnu du LAB Profile® ».
- Swantje Allmers, Consultant en Développement Commercial

 « Depuis que j’ai suivi ce programme de Consultant Formateur LAB Profile®, il est devenu la pièce maîtresse de mes interventions. Je dirai que 75% de mon activité est maintenant basée sur les outils spécifiques du LAB Profile® dans les domaines de la vente, du service clients, du développement managérial. Je travaille continuellement à développer de nouvelles applications et mes clients adorent ça ! »
— Andreas Plienegger, Formateur

La PNL, vous connaissez ?

Vous cherchez à vous différencier dans un marché
plein de consultants/formateurs

Quand les autres signent des interventions ou prestations à prix cassé,
il est temps pour vous d’offrir à vos clients quelque chose de

Et si vous saviez comment résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents de vos clients ?
Voulez-vous adapter votre Business Model  à la NOUVELLE RÉALITÉ du marché ?

Avec la Certification de formateur/consultant au LAB Profile®,
vous pourrez réellement découvrir CE QUI MOTIVE CHACUN D’ENTRE NOUS.

Et ce savoir-faire, très peu de personnes l’ont !


Résultats attendus de cette formation:

  • Signer plus de contrats et plus vite
  • Développer de nouveaux marchés pour vos compétences
  • Aider vos clients à obtenir des résultats et plus rapidement
  • Acquérir et transmettre un ensemble de compétences nouvelles – EXACTEMENT celles que vos clients rêvent d’acquérir !
  • Apprendre à commercialiser, à vous positionner et à mieux vous vendre en utilisant les déclencheurs de motivation inconscients
  • Vous différencier sur le marché saturé des coachs, consultants et formateurs

 ET SURTOUT, vous aurez bénéficié d’une formation qui pourrait changer non seulement vos perspectives professionnelles mais aussi votre vie !

« Je rêvais de faire du LAB Profile® la pierre angulaire de mes activités professionnelle et personnelles. Ce rêve est devenu réalité.
Shelle, de tous les programmes de développement que j’ai suivi ces dernières années, le tien est celui qui m’a donné le plus grand retour sur investissement. »  
— David Klaassen, Consultant en PME, UK

« Remarquable formation à la fois pratique et personnelle. Super contenu, un ton et un timing inoubliables. Ce qui est unique avec Shelle, c’est sa relation avec les participants et sa constante attention. Une formation vraiment unique cohérente et claire. Cela vaut vraiment le détour. »
— William Cather, Consultant 

Apprenez comment ...

  1. Vous différencier sur le marché surabondant des coachs, consultants, formateurs.
  2. Concevoir des programmes de formation qui changent vraiment le comportement en utilisant les techniques du LAB Profile® et de la PNL.
  3. Aider vos clients à changer avec les techniques avancées du coaching conversationnel LAB Profile®.
  4. Créer des supports marketing plus attractifs, car s’adressant à la fois au conscient et à l’inconscient.
  5. Sortir vos clients des situations de crise, et de problèmes de communication les plus difficiles.
  6. Faire des présentations convaincantes y compris pour les plus sceptiques.
  7. Maîtriser le langage déclencheur en toute circonstance
  8. Élaborer des stratégies de communication touchant à la fois la raison et le cœur.
  9. Prédire et influencer le comportement des individus et des équipes et faire face aux nombreux défis de la communication de masse.
  10. Comprendre les combinaisons de schémas qui font réagir les clients.
  11. Choisir les mots justes à utiliser – ou à éviter – pour motiver et inspirer.
  12. Développer la bonne approche pour diriger votre équipe.
  13. Constituer des équipes plus performantes.
  14. Développer vos talents de facilitateur pour gérer les groupes les plus exigeants.
  15. Maîtriser les schémas du LAB Profile® afin de mieux mener vos réunions et négociations à fort enjeux.
  16. Analyser la culture d’entreprise ou d’équipe pour mieux introduire le changement et diminuer la résistance au changement.

Ce que disent plus de 100 personnes de cette formation...

Mille mercis pour la formation la plus complète et la plus enrichissante que j’ai suivie.
Cédric Lüscher, Suisse

L’excellence de Shelle, alliée à la qualité des échanges en font une formation WAOOUU !
Véronique Brottier, France

Un moment de grace ! Un bonheur de vous modéliser toutes les deux (Shelle et Marie-Claude -coach) !
Catherine Herrero Granadel, France

J’ai rarement appris autant de choses en si peu de temps. Sur les techniques du LAB Profile®, bien sûr, mais aussi sur le coaching, sur la conception d’une formation, sur le leadership, et même sur le marketing, qui n’est pas du tout mon domaine. Tu m’as beaucoup apporté en tant dans ta façon d’expliquer très simplement et de nous faire acquérir les notions très rapidement, “dans le muscle”.
Et les exercices étaient variés et amusants à faire. Tu nous a offert un beau cadeau : une formation utile et efficace, d’une remarquable qualité. Tu m’as aussi permis d’avancer sur le plan personnel.
Une expérience de formation qui fait progresser à bien des niveaux.

Pascaline Mercier, France

Cette formation est de grande qualité ; j’ai pu monter en compétences graduellement. Excellente animation Shelle. Tu réussis à maintenir l’attention par les activités et l’humour, du matin au soir.
Sandrine Larroque-Loumiet, France

Extra. Je ne pensais pas me rendre aussi loin. C’est la première fois que je fais une formation et que je finis avec autant de confiance et autant dans les muscles. Merci infiniment pour m’avoir permis d’évoluer à vitesse grand V.
Sylvie Talbot, Montréal, Canada

This program has helped me find my “niche” and audience, make optimal use of LAB Profiles in marketing and the way I address topics to my potential clients in their appropriate way & style. Many thanks, Shelle! I gained a lot of precious insights and enjoyed the training very much!
— Claudia Falk, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

The program is great, and met my expectations to come from my country to learn it. Shelle is warm, thoughtful, pays attention to participants and she cares. She is great!
— Irene Corry, Indonesia

“The dream of making the LAB Profile® the cornerstone of my business and everything I do has now come to fruition. Of all the courses and investments I have made in my development over the years, your program has given me the biggest return on investment. I’m now so successful that I’m reaching full capacity.”
~ David Klaassen, United Kingdom

“A practical, insightful, and at the same time, rigorous program. I have a much better appreciation and deeper understanding of the patterns and how to use them. It will certainly enhance my communication and add to what I have already gained and know.
I will be incorporating the LAB Profile® as part of my programs.”
A great program! Thank you so much, Shelle and coaches.”
– Jonathan Low, Malaysia

“TRANSFORMATIONAL! Shelle models and lives what she teaches.
Engaging, focused, timely.  I can strongly recommend this experience to
someone wanting to take their lives and work to another level.
– Karen Drake, USA

Wow, the most powerful course I have taken. It will be helpful in choosing clients and determining what the client really wants as well as teaching this tool.
My sincerest thanks to you, Shelle and the coaches.
The best 2 weeks vacation I ever spent.”
~ Evelyn Peirce, Canada

Of all the NLP courses I’ve attended, the LAB Profile® Certification has proved the most lucrative. Since I took the program, it’s paid for itself several times over. Often people in organizations don’t have a vocabulary to talk about the language they use. Using LAB Profile® means we can discuss sophisticated uses of language without the need for jargon.
— Fiona Wright, PhD, Consultant in Written Communication Skills, UK

A wonderful program that is valuable and insightful on
both a professional and personal level

I will be able to make an immediate application to my presentation skills and the course materials are designed for future application in coaching and
interviewing managers for development programs.
The best workshop I have ever attended in my professional career.
Shelle is without equal; truly unique.
~ Randi Kline, USA

An excellent two weeks spent nourishing both mind and spirit. Highly recommended!
— Bill Lewis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A very successful program, I got all the tools and knowledge that I needed which is the basis for working with the LAB Profile®. Thanks, the program was great.
— Michael Theissen, Bergkirchen, Germany

The program allows me to communicate better to everyone I know and be able to help others should they wish it in a way that is for their best interest. Thank you!
— Ira Wolfe, Thornhill, Canada

An excellent programme. It will help me to improve my relationships with friends and colleagues and understand them and their behaviour better. Our coaches were extremely helpful and supportive. We could not have had better.
— Janice N. Haigh, Wakefield, United Kingdom

TRANSFORMATIONAL! Shelle models and lives what she teaches. Engaging, focused, timely. A lot packed into a small space. I can strongly recommend this experience to someone wanting to take their lives and work to another level.
— Karen Drake, trainer, St.Louis, USA

Amazing! Incredibly deep, yet practical; powerful, because the process of the course allowed us to achieve a high level of skill in a relatively short period of time.
Thanks so much, Shelle; you are a masterful trainer. You so model what you teach. Your knowledge and skill are incredible. The coaches were all great; gracious and helpful. Each brought a unique energy and style.
This program will help us to refine and target sales and marketing materials to increase sales success in less time. It will allow me to refine and customize my offering and significantly improve my client’s results. I wish I had taken this years ago.
— Randy Park, Consultant, Trainer, Toronto, Canada

Thank you very much it was a perfect, very effective training. The program will help in understanding other people better and quickly.
— Marco Bogendoerfer, Zorneding, Germany

Great. Very satisfied. It went fast (even though it was two weeks!). It was a great opportunity to practice the skills and I have become more confident. I have met great people/friends that I will continue to learn with. I have met my goal of learning something new and challenging myself.
— Laurie Flasko, Niagara Falls, Canada

I enjoyed the program very much. A good mixture of teamwork and partner work, well structured. I love Shelle’s style, very authentic! Influencing in a very positive way. I’m motivated to stay in contact and learn more from Shelle.
— Bernd Koepke, Ratingen, Germany

I highly recommend the LAB Profile Consultant/Trainer and Practitioner course. It is the most powerful and fun learning programme I have been on and worth every bit of personal, physical and intellectual investment. It’s more than a tool kit, it’s the complete multi-function personal development tool and needs no batteries!
— Ian Clarke, Trainer & Consultant, UK

It was a great opportunity in my life to spend 2 weeks with open-minded and kind colleagues. I learned real quality topics, with a great impact on our lives from the best trainer we could ever have.
— Gabriela Bondrea, Romania

This program is so full of practical, use-able strategies with a multiplicity of applications. Shelle’s teaching style is close to genius. The coaches provided value in many ways. This program will expand and add specific strategies to my existing work and programs. This was an amazing experience! I will never be the same again. Thank you so much for a fabulous learning,
Faythe Buchanan, Halifax, Canada

Very motivating and intensive program. I adore Shelle’s style in presenting, her sense of humour and energy flow.
— Anna Ivanova, Russia

Really great stuff!! LAB Profile® will definitely be a core part of my business. I really enjoyed the course. It gave me deep insights into communication and will add great value to my life!
— Andreas Pleinegger, Austria

Excellent training! I not only learned the LAB Profile®, there was a lot of fun incorporated into the program. Shelle is a great trainer. This is one of the best trainings I have ever attended. It’s a good mix between theory, exercises and fun.
— Michael Heitkoetter, Germany

This program has given me greater clarity of what I want to do, how to do it and how to achieve greater economic stability. Shelle’s inspiration, engagement and humour has just been amazing!
— Jannie Walker Larsson, Sweden

The LAB Profile® Consultant/Trainer Certification Program has opened up many possibilities to develop a market/s for my own business plans. In my current workplace it can be used to better understand our clients, how we communicate with them, meet their needs and achieve our growth targets. This course has been life-changing. I have learned an enormous amount about myself, the LAB Profile® and others. It has been an enriching experience. Loved it!
— Anne Lucas, Adelaide, Australia

I loved the program and the sequence and application opportunities. There was never a dull moment! Shelle is versatile, engaging, entertaining, very perceptive and available to teach more than is in the program. The coaches were very willing to support us. I will use these skills in my training to help others learn more easily. — Mary Blanchard, USA

Excellent program, well organized, good pace, great exercises. My coach was excellent, helpful, supportive and knowledgeable. I now have a product that I can ‘sell’ that is clearly different and very effective. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to communicate better in any medium.
— Gregg Hannah, Toronto, Canada

The most engaging and helpful session I’ve attended in over 20 years. Practical and made me really think about how I communicate with others. 4 stars!!
Shelle was a wonderful guide throughout the entire 10 days. I learned a lot of new facilitation ideas just by watching. Her ability to ‘talk the talk’ is amazing; without a doubt the LAB Profile® ‘goddess’! My coaches were wonderful in running our integration group. I received new facilitation ideas, presentation and consulting skills and many practical applications. An amazing experience!
— Richard Swiss, Corporate Trainer, Chicago

This program is the universal key to people’s doors. No words could possibly describe Shelle. The coaches were so helpful and resourceful. OUTSTANDING! Lots of fun. Exceeded my expectations.
— Nadia Talhi, Trainer, Montréal, Canada

An excellent program for business applications and professional development. It will help me to improve communication and resourcefulness in working with my team and the other sales teams. It is easier now to convey the right message to the right stakeholder. Thank you all for a great experience. This was truly transformational.
— Aretta Swanson, Trainer, Chicago

Wow! Intense, but a good intense. I was thoroughly pleased, with not only Shelle’s world famous expertise and style, but also with the strong attention to complete learning with coaches involved. The message ‘ time = communication’ will resonate with our sales management teams. LAB Profile® will provide new material that we will overlay into current training /skill sets. Well done! Great activities and SUPER advice.
— Tom Selba, USA

Shelle is amazing. The examples and demos she did were like magic. It was really a great experience; it gave me more courage to try something new and have fun with it.
— Niina Tsuchiya, Japan

Without a doubt one, if not the most intensive, rigorous course I have completed. You kind of knew you deserved certification at the end; you had been put through the mill and came out the other side better and stronger.
— Mark Woods, Consultant, United Kingdom

The best course I have ever done in terms of value and personal benefit.
— Shaun Wilde, United Kingdom

Perfect fit at the right time at many levels; from the timing of tasks and activities up to my own personal timing for my life.
— Brad White, Owner, Of Course Consulting Inc., Canada

It was a great pleasure to participate as a coach in this exciting seminar – first of all because of the fantastic team Shelle had chosen to work with. I liked the way the programme stretched every one of us – the participants, the coaches and – maybe the presenter. Being part of this great team gave me much deeper insight for my own seminars of the LAB Profile. A great experience – thanks a million.
— Klaus Voss, Trainer, Berlin, Germany

Well-structured, well-paced, good balance of theory and practice… and well-delivered! I enjoyed the course very much and learned a lot about the LAB Profile that I will take with me.
— Nicolas Von Zweigbergk, United Kingdom

I came to learn techniques; but I also learned about myself, about how other people may deal with issues we were tackling. The learning exceeded my expectations in many ways.
— Ilaria Vilkelis, Switzerland

I have a sense that I really learned (the use of) language for the first time in my life (as a linguist).
— Akihiko Uechi, Associate Professor , Osaka, Japan
I’d like to explicitly say “thanks you so much” for having given me the opportunity to participate as a coach in your program. You told us not everything needed to be perfect, but I think you do everything to run the program at the highest possible standard. It was challenging but I always felt safe and was certain the network of trainers and other coaches would be there to carry things forward (which is totally different from failing with something and getting things corrected retroactively). I benefit quite much from actually doing things, so this experience has huge value for me.
— Andreas Trilling, LAB Profile Coach, Germany

Well designed for learning at the perfect pace. Transformational! Words can’t describe the impact on my perspective. Shelle, thank you. I was a skeptic at first and now I am an ambassador for your work.
— Patricia Tolppanen, Police Commissioner, Calgary, Canada

It was a very special two weeks, a fantastic group of coaches and participants and of course, Shelle, you were wonderful! I learned a huge amount, much of which just appears from time to time! Your energy and enthusiasm was infectious and whenever I think about that time I get big smile on my face.
— Mark Thompson, Coach and Trainer, United Kingdom

Very challenging and I feel very privileged to have been a participant in the program. Many thanks to you, Shelle and Melody as well as the coaches and participants for one of the most meaningful learning experiences.
— Marlene Thicke, Ottawa, Canada

I appreciated the last few days of the program that dealt with all the options for application–my picture for the profile has expanded and I have already been able to incorporate what I learned in my every day activities outside of the program.
— Jeanne Theriault, Consultant, Toronto, Canada

Fantastic, more than I ever imagined. Very well planned and structured with the attendees development central to the course rather than the course being central. Far exceeds all my high expectations!
— Susan Terpilowski, Market Researcher, United Kingdom

Shelle, there are not yet words to describe how wonderful a teacher you are and how brilliantly you put the pieces together. This course was not only two weeks of learning, it is many months of learning.
— Taija Teitto-Hassan, I.O.D. Counseling and Training, Finland

This course is of high standards, well-structured and varied.
— Mary Talbot, Switzerland

Great structure – the best in terms of planning I’ve ever seen. Supports very well the gradual development of learning. Excellent presenter.
— Andy Szekely, Manager, AS Training & Consulting, Romania

Shelle’s training was one of the very best trainings I have ever attended, not only for the quality of the content and the training experience, but for learning communication skills I use on a daily basis, and are now a permanent part of how I communicate. I chuckle when people ask me if I use the skills I learned during those two weeks, because they have become automatic and a part of who I am, so yes I use them!
— Kendal Summerhawk, United States

Shelle is a master trainer, with a wealth of skill and knowledge, who works her magic to equip you to consult and train at a deeper level of mastery. And what a dynamite genie she makes! The coaches are supportive and knowledgeable, providing you with meaningful feedback, and your learning process is carefully coordinated and managed. In short, the whole journey is elegant and stimulating. I have no hesitation in recommending this programme to anyone who wants to learn more about influencing with integrity. It has certainly been one of the highlights of my career–personally and professionally. If you are serious about investing in yourself and your future, and exploring possibilities, then this is the programme for you. Not only do you get to develop your understanding of how to use words that change minds, but you also learn how to avoid potential booby traps that could tarnish your success.
— Monique Stock, Consultant, South Africa

Excellent — Intense — Satisfying. The program design allowed levels of complexity to be steadily layered into overall understanding of the profile and its application. I achieved the course and personal objectives fully and so much more.
— Phil Stephenson, United Kingdom

Your course is so much more than just learning the LAB Profile …it’s also business-building, networking and many other things besides.
— Alicia Stack, Manager, United States

This is a challenging course where qualification standards are set high, so too are the standards in relation to course delivery, coaching support and supporting material. Shelle’s high octane commitment lights up every day throughout the course with a dedicated, luminary, delivery of this most resourceful of skills. I am taking these new skills into the world of conflict resolution, I am particularly happy to do so.
— Martin Snodden, Ireland

Lasting and profound. What started off as tools and techniques turned seamlessly into appreciation of self and others, which for me, is magic. Fabulous, outstanding! Coaches were great!
— Gill Shaw, United Kingdom

Content highly relevant to me. Context had very good energy, and facilitated stretching. It was a sufficiently comfortable way to get outside my comfort zone regularly! Thank you for sharing all the hard work you’ve done, Shelle! I appreciate the depth and breadth of your development and application work — you’re a great model for me.
— Laurel Sandford, United States

Best course I have ever been on.
— Sandra Pullen, United Kingdom

Exciting — really intensive–useful and very well organized! A revealing experience! Unforgettable! It’s a powerful anchor!
— Fabrizio Pirovano, Corporate Trainer, Milano, Italy

A fantastic experience I recommend highly to all of you who want to improve your influencing language. We were a great bunch of people from all continents with various backgrounds and objectives. There were NLPers, coaches, Teachers and business people, etc. We were all very different, but had in common the interest in influencing and motivating ourselves and others with Words that Change Minds. Shelle was able to connect to all of us and “pick us up at our individual bus stop” and move us way further. I can say for myself that the LAB Profile is a great tool with all of its flexibility and depth.
— Anne Piper, Trainer, Denmark

Thank you for the Words That Change Minds Certification. It is proving to be incredibly useful over every aspect of communication we encounter. I learned so much from the program and many of the really valuable lessons that have stayed with me are from the coaching sessions where “things” just happened unexpectedly but gave such insights into how we all communicate. It was a great learning experience!
— Richard Pentreath, Managing Director, Krumbs-Aha!, United Kingdom

I came with a lot of trepidation. I knew it would be tough, but I was totally committed to this. There were times when I was tired, or anxious and I was carried through those moments, by Shelle, the coaches and the colleagues on the course. I loved Shelle’s style and have learned huge amounts. What a model! Well, well worth the investment! What a great bunch of people to connect with.
— Merilyn Parker-Armitage, United Kingdom

If you want to become the queen of the sound bite, hang out with Shelle. Over the 10 day period, you’ll watch yourself convey accurate, meaningful messages – inside two sentences. Don’t know about your world but in mine, that’s a cool achievement. I’m still practising of course!
— Toy Odiakosa, Coach, United Kingdom

I am using the LAB Profile with coaching clients (The conversational coaching is a real help here) and also as part of my marketing company which provides niche relationship building marketing solutions. Needless to say, I am really proud of the service we provide and I use the LAB when helping clients write their newsletters or when I go on a sales call. The LAB is an amazing tool and I am so glad I attended the course.
— Ian Northcott, United Kingdom

Absolutely excellent! It delivered much more than expected. Fantastic knowledge, explained in a very simple way. Always engaging and energetic. If I could model 1/4 of this I would be very happy!
— Gemma Norman, United Kingdom

With this course not only have I reached my outcomes, I have great information and know where to go with the LAB Profile.
— Arturo Nicora, Consultant/Trainer, Switzerland

I tend to be very skeptical going into trainings. I wasn’t disappointed, actually by the middle of the second week I was disappointed that it was already wrapping up. Going into the course, my plan of action was to come out 100% confident with my profiling skills, with that I would have been content. Merely 1.5 months later I have already started coaching our sales force on delivering presentations, working with our marketing dept to ensure we’re targeting the right audiences and so much more. The course has already paid for itself, I continue to grow and see new applications that I hadn’t noticed yet the LAB Profile is everywhere!
— Dyanne Nelson, Recruiter, Montréal, Canada

This is a life changing experience, a turning point in my life. This is now my ‘core tool’ for understanding people. This is the first course that I have attended where I truly felt that what I have been taught has been integrated and embodied within myself.
— George Nel, Trainer, South Africa

Challenging, enjoyable, supportive; an intensive and valuable learning experience. A really worthwhile experience on many levels!
— Shona Mitchell, Trainer, United Kingdom

Excellent training. Shelle’s style keeps you engaged all day. Great format. Mixed it up sufficiently without feeling lost or confused. Loved Chris’s stint on marketing research; very useful for me personally. I have learned so much. I have been challenged in new ways and it has given me a new way of looking at my world.
— Claire McPhillips, Market Researcher, United Kingdom

Here’s how I use the LAB Profile Certification for my work. First, for my own development as a trainer, enhancing the understanding of the students by using appropriate language to meet the students where they live. Second, to ensure that handouts are designed for maximum utility based on students particular requirements from training Third, as content, to train sales people, so that they have more flexibility with their clients, more success with their sales calls and presentations. Fourth, as content, to train proposal writers, so that they know that document design responds to needs of specific customer type; and fifth, as content, to train project managers about communication styles, for client meetings, for senior reporting, and for team communications.
— Joanne McDowall, Proposal lDev. Specialist, Trainer, Winnipeg, Canada

Life changing – as I hoped it would be. Even more wide ranging uses than I’d thought.
— Sarah McCulloch, Ireland

A really great impressive experience for me. Thanks to my coach and to you Shelle!
— Herbert Lange, Germany

Shelle, working with you, the other coaches and the whole team of participants during the LAB Profile Certification Program has been an incredible experience for me– all three times! When you add all of this “people” stuff to a process and methodology that works, the end result has been a change in the way I conduct my business which has yielded excellent personal and professional results. And . . . . there is still a great deal of untapped potential to be explored. Yippeee! Coaching my two integration teams and hearing the course content again gave me the opportunity to check my own skill level, which allowed me to pat myself on the back in some areas and pay greater attention to others. I had an opportunity to watch each participant’s skills grow regarding their LAB Profile knowledge and expertise, and at the same time, an amazing story unfolded during the two weeks we were together. I watched people from around the world figure out how to make their cultural, gender, age, etc. differences work for them and their team. Both times my collection of five individuals transitioned into supportive work teams, and they developed a great fondness for each other that I think will continue long after everyone has gone back home.I have attended many, many training programs, but none of them have had an impact on the participants like this one. Congratulations and please keep this going for a long time to come.
— Nancy Klepper, HR Consultant and Trainer, New Jersey

Well structured; elegantly delivered with great humor What a great experience with such wonderful scope.
— John Killman, United Kingdom

A very thorough learning experience. I really feel like I’ve earned my spurs which is satisfying. Fantastic presentation – very engaging – Thank you!
— Brigitte Jaquillard, Performance coach and consultant, United Kingdom

Excellent in-depth program equipping you with expert knowledge and experience that can apply not only in work but in everyday life.
— Chris Humphreys, United Kingdom

Very professionally organized! The best seminar I have taken internationally. The coaches were well trained. I really enjoyed meeting the other students. Very professional with caliber from different cultures. Shelle kept us entertained. Her knowledge and expertise brings an abundance of wealth and wisdom. I love her sense of humour and openness.
— Yukari Horiguchi, NLP Trainer, Tokyo

The most enriching and powerful program I’ve attended. Seeing masterly at work, in all the areas we covered was the best modeling example I have seen. This seminar… was the turning point that is going to launch me into taking my professional life in my own hands. I have gained skills, which allow me to achieve my objectives.
— Chilina Hills, France

As an executive coach and an organizational consultant, I was intrigued by the LAB Profile methodology potential in achieving outstanding coaching results. The LAB Profile Certification program exceeded my expectations and turned out to be an exceptional learning experience. There was a good balance between theory and practice. The exercises contributed to the learning experience and the use of the learning material. It was a true joy to study from an expert such as Shelle.
— Dorit Kay, CEO at D. Coaching, Israel

Very well constructed course that manages to get across a difficult subject. I like the humour and also the balance between teaching and doing.
— Barry Gribben, Management Consultant, Northern Ireland

Great structure that has brought the individual aspects and combinations of the profiles to life in very real and practical ways.— Neil Harris, NLP Trainer, UK

The course was extremely well structured; I feel I’ve been guided through from a basic level of knowledge to a good level of competence…Truly the best course I have ever attended and I have a total belief in the use of the LAB Profile and what it can achieve.
— Jane Fligelstone, UK

Let me reiterate that the course was, in my opinion, the best I have ever attended and it will have a significant influence on my future.
— Brendan Flanagan, Owner, BF Coaching & Facilitation, France

Shelle is an amazing trainer: she uses stories effectively to help us remember what we learn; and she intersperses classroom teaching with fun hands-on exercises designed to take participants to a new level of mastery. We all learned a lot and had a great time! As an added bonus, being with people from around the world, made for an even richer experience.
— Julie Fillion, Consultant, Montréal, Canada

1000 times even more valuable in many more ways than I anticipated. Stimulating, enriching, fascinating!
— Pauline Duncan-Thrasher, Trainer, London, Canada

This has been a most rewarding and intensive experience. Every part of the program was first class. Professionalism was evident throughout the course. I particularly appreciated Shelle’s wealth of knowledge and talent to present with such authenticity. Her sense of humor lightened up the intensity of the learning process for me.
— Mary Demetria Davis, USA

Great, professional, fun, lots of work.
— Christien de Vries, NLP Trainer, The Netherlands

Expertly put together. I have been assisted to take a quick, steep learning journey. I have been able to grasp concepts and ideas, put them into practice, and learn for myself. I’ve been able to make a dramatic improvement in my skills in understanding and communicating with others. The approach to teaching/learning has been wise, practical and enjoyable.
— Ian Crouchley, Consultant, UK

Expectations met and overtaken. Great structure. Good use of time and presence of coaches. Best course I have taken. Really demanding so that achieving a result here means excellence in the field.
— Jason Cox, HR Leader, Italy

The LAB Profile Certification class was by far the best training experience I have ever had. I met and worked with a diverse international group of people (both staff and students) who just sparkled with light and energy – it was such a privilege to work, study, and play with them, and now to know them as friends and contacts throughout the world is invaluable. My emerging business now has a much clearer and cleaner focus. I left feeling prepared to move forward with more confidence than ever before.
— Mia Corinha, USA

Excellent! Well-structured and the flow reinforced learning. Great energy, humour and commitment to our learning. Great experiential learning!
— Michael Cahill, UK

First of all I thought that Shelle was kidding when she mentioned that I could mix business and pleasure in Tuscany, Italy. I thought I would have pleasure anyway in Italy, and that the last thing I would need was to have a training there….. Lucky I was totally wrong. I had massive pleasure and… the fun still goes on. Somehow I had an important personal breakthrough. All of a sudden, I realized what really mattered to me and now back in Amsterdam I transform my business according to new priorities.
— Albert Both, Lanugage Coach, The Netherlands

Excellent design, great fun, elegant process, all facilitating deep learning. Probably the best training I’ve undertaken. In fact, it is the best! I recommend it. Thank you!!!
— Joan Bird, UK

I just wanted to say, once again, a big thank you for a fantastic course. Not only did the content far exceed my expectations, but it was presented brilliantly, with a lot of humour and a great deal of skill. Thanks also for your wonderful hospitality and for the hard work Melody put in to making it all run smoothly.
— Gill Best, Coach, UK

Extremely well organized with a varied itinerary leading to great changes – in me. I’m really pleased to have attended – it was great.
— David Baynes, UK

My investment will return in less than half a year, but the main point is that my knowledge of LAB has been multiplied by 50 in two weeks! ….I think this program is for people who want to improve and who know that there is a lot that can be learned from the master.|— Ernst Balla, Head Of Management Development, Austria

Time well and worthy spent! Shelle, you are a wizard professionally and great as a person.
— Amnon, Tsvieli, Doctor, Israel

It would be easy to say great things about Shelle and the LAB Profile Consultant Trainer course, but I will leave you to find out for yourself. What I will say it that I have worked on addressing the legacy of violent conflict and on conflict resolution in N. Ireland, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, and this past year in Gaza. I now know that had I had the skills required for the LAB Profile Consultant Trainer Certification prior to my work in these countries, my interventions would have been of greater benefit to those with whom I shared my experience. My analysis and thus understanding of individuals/groups through the use of LAB Profiling will enhance my conflict resolution interventions. I believe myself to be better resourced for my life’s purpose.
— Martin Snodden, Mediator, Ireland

It was brilliant – Thanks to Shelle and the coaches for creating such an exciting and fun learning environment!
— Ana Sanchez , UK

Amazing stuff — as in material, specifically the LAB Profile. Magnificent presenter — as in presence, force and energy. I know this would be good and it was better. I have had great teachers in my life. Some stand out as the cream of excellent teachers. Now Shelle is added to that list. I thank you.
— Anne Renew, CEO of INSAfrica, South Africa

Excellent – real stretch, real insights, practical application and fun. I feel so much more resourceful now. Thank you Shelle and coaches.
— Jenny Partridge, UK

Fantastic! The amazing discovery and journey on language that create a person’s destiny. Spread the LAB Profile around the GLOBE!
— MD Taib Mat, Consultant, Malaysia

An invaluable opportunity to revisit, reinforce and extend my understanding and more importantly, my use of the LAB Profile. Delightful to see Shelle working both in the group and individual advanced coaching. this made the profile into a much more practical and usable tool for me in a broader way that I had previously seen.
— Bob Janes, Director, Revell and Janes Ltd., France

Shelle’s presentation of the information is truly outstanding; providing processes, options and tools that are immediately useful in personal and professional situations to avoid conflicts, build strong working teams and better relationships with family, friends and associates. While the seminar provides a new and totally different way to determine how to communicates with others, you may see the processes as an evolutionary process of continual improvements in communications and relationships.
— Bob Harper, USA

Language is the powerful tool of influence in communication, and when it is used with integrity it is irresistible. I went on the LAB Profile course to learn new things about how people communicate. I am a lawyer practising law in Ireland. Lawyers a great communicators in court, in meetings and so forth, but we are not good communicators when it comes to communicating with our clients. I wanted to understand why we are such poor communicators with our clients, in the hope that I could pass my knowledge onto other lawyers. The LAB Profile course taught me everything I wanted to know and more. I strongly recommend the course to anybody who wants to be an irresistible communicator.
— Johnny Bourke, Lawyer, Ireland

Excellent program, really enjoyed being a participant. Very good and thorough training, excellent imbedding of skills; very practical. Shelle was great and inspirational. Thanks ever so much.
— Tineke Bosma, Trainer, UK

Great atmosphere, contacts, delegates. Theory and practice quite balanced. Very professional! Great to learn from role models living the LAB Profile! Thank you. Please continue with the program, let’s spread the news!
— Patricia Tonak, Trainer, Germany

Shelle, you and the coaches have given me much, much more than I would thought in my wildest dreams. It is a practical, highly useful training and the best I have ever received in my life.
— Wim Thielemans, Belgium

Applications pratiques du LAB Profile®

Recrutement & Sélection – Établir le profil du poste et définir les attitudes et motivations appropriées, attirer uniquement les personnes assorties, choisir le meilleur candidat, heureux des missions qui lui seront confiées.

Stratégies & Management – Inspirer et diriger une équipe en partant de ce qui motive et fédère ses membres.

Résolution de problèmes à l’échelle de l’organisation – Décoder les crises et problèmes de communication difficiles, repérer les blocages à la persuasion, développer des solutions motivantes.

Formation à la Persuasion – Développer des formations utilisant les techniques avancées du LAB Profile® et de la PNL pour améliorer les compétences de persuasion de vos clients.

Conversational Coaching© – Maîtriser le modèle reconnu du coaching informel de Shelle Rose Charvet pour aider vos clients à trouver leurs propres stratégies de réussite.

Management du Changement – Changer, c’est difficile. Développer le « Langage du Changement » adapté pour réduire les résistances et augmenter l’adhésion des équipes et organisations.

Des Outils Avancés du LAB Profile® – Découvrir les outils en ligne du LAB Profile® pour décoder et analyser les individus, les grands groupes et ainsi modéliser l’excellence.

Présentations Irrésistibles – Créer des présentations qui vous permettent de trouver l’arrêt d’autobus de l’auditoire, pour mieux l’emmener à l’état désiré.

Contenu du Programme Jour par Jour

er Jour : Améliorer la connaissance des Schémas du LAB Profile®, et comment détecter les motivations de vos interlocuteurs directement langage verbal et écrit.

2ème Jour : Prédire le comportement des individus grâce aux combinaisons de schémas LAB Profile®, comment recruter les personnes les plus adaptés au job, à la culture d’entreprise, et aux attentes.

3ème Jour : Réaliser des présentations qui font mouche, comment utiliser LAB Profile® pour s’adapter à tous les auditoires.

4ème Jour : Découvrir les séquences complexes de la motivation pour développer les approches commerciales stratégiques et efficaces.

5ème Jour : Élaborer des stratégies avancées de communication adaptées et résoudre des problèmes organisationnels.

Weekend libre

6ème Jour : Créer la cohésion d’équipe et faire un diagnostic de culture d’entreprise avec LAB Profile®.
7ème Jour : Animer un groupe, faire une présentation à un client selon ses schémas, maîtriser le fameux « Q & A » (question et réponse).

8ème Jour : Utiliser le Coaching Conversationnel© et faire sa présentation finale en groupe

9ème Jour : Améliorer l’action commerciale, la formation à la vente et au service client

10ème Jour : Dernière journée dédiée à l’intégration des apprentissages, la préparation au retour à l’activité professionnelle… et à la fête de fin de formation !

Investissement (pour 10 jours de formation, supports de formation) : 4997 $ USD

Pour s’inscrire (avec un premier versement de 1000 $.) 
Pour s’inscrire (avec un paiement de 4997 $.)
Remplir la fiche d’inscription (obligatoire.)

Conditions d’annulation:

En cas d’annulation après le 30 juin 2016, 500 $ de frais de gestion seront déduits de votre versement.

En revanche, vous pouvez utiliser l’intégralité de votre dépôt pour la formation de l’année suivante ! (programme en anglais seulement)

Certification & accord de licence

Lorsque vous arriverez à la formation, il vous sera demandé de signer l’accord de licence. (lien ci-dessous)

Pour être certifié en fin de programme en tant que Consultant/Formateur LAB Profile®, il vous sera demandé de vous conformer aux normes standards définies (lien ci-dessous)

Accord de licence : (l’original sera signé pendant la formation)
Normes de Certification

Prérequis pour suivre la formation

  1. Avoir suivi la formation certifiante Praticien LAB Profile® avec un formateur certifié, ou
    lire Le plein pouvoir des mots et écouter les CDs (Communication. Motivation. Efficacité), ou suivre la formation en ligne « LAB Profile® Online Practitioner Program » (en anglais) :,

(Lors de votre inscription, vous bénéficierez d’une réduction de 50% sur le programme en ligne – en anglais)

  1. Avoir réalisé un minimum de 20 profils LAB Profile® avant le commencement de la formation. Nous vous enverront la fiche de LAB Profile® après l’inscription. Réaliser vos profils dans des contextes différents : (travail, vacances, faire des achats….,)

EX : si quelqu’un veut améliorer ses relations interpersonnelles, faites-lui un profil en précisant ce contexte.

 Questions? N'hesite pas à me contacter directement: [email protected]
J'espère te voir là avec nous!
Au  plaisir,