“Gastric-economic problems.” This just slipped out in the middle of a conversation today. I’ve no idea where it came from or what I was really trying to say. But it was new, irresistible and clearly needed a definition.
How about: Gastro-economic problem: 1.When you can’t afford the restaurant bill and have to make a run for it. 2. When your culinary tastes are above your means.
Which definition do you think is best?
This reminded me of other made-up words that definitely need to be added to our lexicon:
Stragedy: A disaster that you planned for. (Created by a nun during a conflict resolution training program.)
And 2 more from the family of my friend Pat Katz:
Intersturb: When someone interrupts AND disturbs you at the same time.
Snarkastic: When someone uses sarcasm with a particularly nasty sneer.
Let’s hear your invented words!
Great blog. I got a lot of good information. I’ve been keeping an eye on this technology for awhile. It’s intriguing how it keeps shifting, yet some of the core factors stay the same.
didn’t see your comment Paul — we obviously were thinking the same thing!
Gastro-economic problem: When your financial wealth (or lack of it) makes you sick to your stomach.
Gastro-economics – when the deflated state of your retirement fund makes you sick to your stomach!