Let’s talk about ourselves for just a minute. A lot of people tell me they have tons of stuff that they want to do but they’re not able to get as much done as they would like and I’m not talking about time management issues. It’s about your strategy for achieving and your strategy to avoid dropping things that you really want to do. Here’s a few tips.
- Your Success and Failure Strategies
Write, jot down a quick list of the things that you’ve actually achieved over the last few months and the things you started to do or wanted to do but didn’t get done. At a big picture level, can you see any success strategies from the things that you wrote down or any failure strategies that stop you from achieving that?
- Level of Importance
If you have a look at your two lists and you’re able to identify what’s important and what isn’t important to you, do you see any patterns? Are your success strategies the ones you succeeded at more important to you and the other one is less important to you? - Negative Consequences
Here’s something that I found in my studying of what makes people successful in their goals and how do they avoid falling off the wagon. Well often people who are focused have deadlines and there are negative consequences for not achieving what you wanted to do at the time that you wanted to do it. So have a check for the things that you succeeded at. Was there a negative consequence or something that you didn’t want to have happen? I remember when I was writing the first draft of my very first book. I gave myself until September to finish the first draft. The beginning of September arrived and guess what? I had a whole pile of courses and training and consulting lined up. The negative consequence would have been I wouldn’t have been able to get back at that book for months and that was something I really wanted to avoid. So if you’ve got a negative consequence that you really want to avoid, that’s going to help you be more focused to be more motivated.
So my question to you is do you have lots of things that you’d like to be more successful at doing? Would you like to avoid having to put them off or just live with the fact that you didn’t do them?
Check out my mini E-Book. It’s called Wishing, Wanting and Achieving.
If you go to store you will get this very short E-Book that will tell you how to model your own success in more detail so that you can find out exactly all your own success strategies. It also comes with a free MP3 download that you can listen to that’s going to help you focus and achieve more success and avoid having to live with the things that you didn’t do. Hope this helps.